We specialise in delivering accurate, tax-efficient crypto reports.

From tax-loss harvesting to comprehensive crypto tax reporting, we offer more than just software—we offer a full-service solution.

CountDefi specializes in crypto tax, guiding the shift from traditional finance to a regulated DeFi space.

Why CountDeFi?

  1. At CountDeFi, we specialise in delivering accurate, tax-efficient crypto reports.
  2. Unlike many of our competitors who offer a wide array of services, we are laser-focused on crypto tax reporting.
  3. Our expert team, backed by a proven 7-phase process, ensures your data is normalised and optimised to minimise your tax liability.

Data Expertise

  • Expert Data Normalization: Unlike software solutions that leave you to clean up messy data, our dedicated team normalizes and categorizes your transaction data, ensuring accuracy and compliance.
  • Reconciliation Grit: Per transaction categorization and evaluation. Custom adjustments for liquidity/staking pools, cross-chain bridges, derivatives, lending, NFT bundle purchases, NFT mint/burn, and multiple others.
  • Maximize Your Tax Savings: Through tax optimization strategies such as tax-loss harvesting, we help reduce your tax liability while staying compliant with regulations.
CountDeFi block Illustration

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